Wednesday, April 25, 2018

√ Wisdom Teeth | 11 Ways To Treat The Most Powerful Youngest Toothache


Wisdom Teeth problem and treat
Everyone has different dental problems, there is a problem with cavities, sensitive teeth, porous teeth, swollen gums to the problem with the wisdom teeth.
Actually what is the wisdom tooth? The youngest teeth are the last teeth that grow on the back of your molars, both above and below. Some people if experiencing the growth of wisdom teeth there is a pain and some are not. But most will experience extreme pain, to eat and swallow hard. Here is characteristic of the youngest teeth problematic to note.

For this to be less disruptive and risky, here's how to treat a natural and medical toothache that you can try:

1. Avoid Tweaking Youngest Teeth
If you already know you are experiencing teething, the thing you need to avoid is do not try to tweak your wisdom teeth or hold hands too hard. As this will further aggravate the pain and germs present in the hand can enter the tooth area and may cause more severe infections and irritation. So leave it alone and keep doing the treatment with the doctor's actions. This is one of the causes of wisdom teeth growing sleep that needs to be understood.

2. Gargling with Salt Water
One of the ways to treat toothache is by dissolving salt with a glass of warm water. Then do as a mouthwash or water to brush your teeth slowly. In this way is able to reduce the pain caused by swelling in the teeth and gums surrounding it. The problem of wisdom teeth grows oblique that must be known.

3. Mouthwash
One option to relieve the pain is very disturbing with antibacterial mouthwash containing chlorhexidine can also help reduce pain due to gum inflammation. This is certainly very useful as a pain reliever and can prevent the occurrence of more severe infection. Here's the wisdom teeth growing sleep you should know.

4. Compress with Ice Stone and Cloth
This method is very easy and proven effective to reduce pain and inflammation in the wisdom tooth area. Take some small ice cubes, then cover with a clean cloth or a small towel then attach it to the aching cheeks until the pain is slightly reduced. Do as long as you feel enough. One of the signs of wisdom teeth grows that is worth noting.

5. Use Red or White Bawang
The content of the onion is very good to reduce the pain due to the growth of wisdom teeth, this is already very well known as a natural treatment since the parents first. Indeed this proved good for treating pain and discomfort when experiencing the youngest teething, how to simply sliced ​​the onions into sections. Then tuck the onion is interrupted wisdom teeth that are sick, do as long as you feel comfortable and occasionally bit a little to remove the onion juice. Here's the risk of wisdom teeth grow tilted toward the top of the cheek that need to be wary of.

6. Cloves
This natural ingredient is used as a way of treating the most effective young toothache. You can use the whole clove or the volatile oil produced by applying it to a clean finger and then applying it to the wisdom tooth, or by inserting the clove seed into the wounded tooth area of ​​the tooth. Wait until the condition of the tooth is less pain. Here is the youngest tooth that interferes with your comfort.

7. Toothpaste and Baking Soda
The following ways can be done to reduce the pain and pain due to growing wisdom teeth. The way to mix the toothpaste with baking soda, then apply on the tooth of the wounded teeth, wait a while until the condition of teeth feel better.

8. Guava leaves
The next natural way is to use a cashew leaf as a pain reliever. Very easy to process it is to take some sheets of leaves and then clean, then boiled until leaving 1 cup of boiled leaf of warm leaves, mix the herb with salt and make it as a mouthwash or brushing your teeth. And the other way is by chewing the boiled leaf was slowly without being swallowed, do until the wisdom tooth condition improved.

9. Pepermint
Peppermint is used as a way of treating the wisdom toothache, and is a very effective ancient herb for toothache caused by wisdom teeth growing. This plant is enriched with anesthetic properties that help reduce pain and swelling. Plus, it can help get rid of bacteria and germs in the mouth that can cause infection and irritation. The way to take some peppermint leaves then puree and paste on the tooth of the wounded tooth until the condition improves.
Peppermint is used as a way of treating
10. The Medical Drug and the Youngest Dental Removal Operation
The fastest and costly way is to consult a doctor. If your wisdom tooth problem can be treated with medication, then the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and antibacterials to relieve pain. However, if the condition of your wisdom teeth are already very severe and dangerous then other medical actions that is by performing the wisdom tooth extraction surgery. Of course this will have an impact in the future, the pain will disappear and the risk of perforated teeth will occur. Following abstinence after the wisdom tooth surgery to look out for.

11. Sage Leaves
One way to treat saki teeth with sage leaves, this leaf is believed to be a plant that contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory for your wisdom teeth problem. How to take some sheets of saga leaves, then clean and puree the leaf. After that, attach to the tooth that is sick until the condition improves.

This is how to treat a very disturbing toothache, it can all be done easily, and the choice is yours, want to choose in a natural way or in a medical way. May be useful.

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