Wednesday, April 25, 2018

√ Wisdom Teeth | Make Sick When Growing, Actually What's The Dental Function Youngest?


When you're grown and not young again, but suddenly experiencing painful tooth growth, that means your wisdom teeth begin to grow. The youngest teeth are the third molars that appear between the ages of 17-25 years. Actually, what is the function of wisdom teeth? Is not it before the wisdom teeth grow, you can still chew the food well? Find out about your wisdom tooth function in this article.
Picture of wisdom teeth position
Actually, what is the function of wisdom teeth?
The appearance of these youngest teeth plays an important role in shaping gum alignment. Most adults have four wisdom teeth. In addition to aligning the gum shape, the function of the wisdom tooth is needed to chew food and prevent the wear of other teeth. The youngest teeth are able to chew food so much softer.

One of the less favored things about the appearance of wisdom teeth is the pain that accompanies the growth of these teeth. This is because during the years since the last growing, human gums change shape while the youngest tooth growth will shift the location of other teeth that cause pain and swelling.

Youngest teeth are susceptible to infections, inflammation, gum problems, and other injuries. Because the location of wisdom teeth difficult to reach and needed extra care to clean it. If the wisdom teeth have health complications, you should see a dentist. Certainly through safe medical care. Therefore in order for that to not happen, cleaning and flossing the wisdom teeth is a must.
The youngest tooth / wisdom tooth
The youngest tooth should be left or revoked?
The function of the wisdom teeth is actually the same as other molars. It's just that, because of the slowest and last growth, it only helps the first and second molars. For example when the first or second mol is damaged, dated, or can no longer function perfectly.

Then, given the fact is not needed, should the wisdom teeth be left or revoked? Actually, the growth of wisdom teeth is normal during no complaints. Some feel pain in the jaw, toothache, or frequent headaches.

This is usually because the wisdom teeth suppress the nerves. In some cases, once the wisdom teeth are removed, the headache will stop. The incidence also varies. In some people, wisdom teeth go out in their 30s without any significant complaints.

For anyone who starts to feel his or her youngest teeth grow, it is advisable to go to the dentist immediately. The doctor will do an X-Ray photo to see if the wisdom teeth grow well or not. In addition, if you have started any signs of swollen gums, pain, and feels there is a wedge in the back, better immediately find out the cause to the dentist.

The doctor will decide whether the wisdom tooth should be left or revoked. But what is usually done is the act of lifting the wisdom teeth, or simply with operkolektomi (small operation open the gums with incisions). If your jaw is sufficient, the position is fine, usually enough opercolectomy is done.

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