Friday, June 8, 2018

√ Wisdom Teeth Are


Wisdom teeth are molar teeth or third molars at the top and bottom, which are located at the very back of the mouth. Known as wisdom teeth in Indonesian because these teeth are the most recent teeth appear. While in English it is called wisdom teeth, because it usually grows when a person is between 17 and 21 years of age or older, so that it is considered enough to get some "wisdom". Wisdom teeth that are healthy and in the right position, or wisdom teeth that are still buried in the jaw will not cause any problems.

Tooth failure to grow well in the line is known as impaction of teeth or teeth that do not grow. In fact, any tooth can experience impaction, it's just that the most experienced one is wisdom teeth. If you are not in the right position and function, then the tooth will be considered revoked because it causes disrupted mastication, closure of the mouth, discomfort in the teeth, headaches, and the presence of a foul odor due to trapped food leftovers.
Wisdom Teeth
What causes problems in wisdom teeth?As you grow, your wisdom teeth may break half of your gums as a way out so that it can cause the teeth to grow on top of the gum tissue that almost covers half of the growing teeth. Growth of wisdom teeth that are not yet perfect and can be a place where food is consumed and if it cannot be cleaned properly can develop the potential for gum infection around the teeth that will grow.

Wisdom teeth can also appear in a slanted or misdirected position. If your jaw is not large enough to give space, wisdom teeth can have a bad effect because they cannot penetrate your gums to get the correct growth position. You may experience difficulty when cleaning around your wisdom teeth, because the teeth are located so far behind your mouth and are in a sloping position.

What are the symptoms that can occur in wisdom teeth that are problematic?Wisdom teeth often do not cause any symptoms when under normal circumstances. But there are some symptoms that indicate that your wisdom teeth need to be revoked or treated, including:
  1. It feels painful or feels stiff in the jaw around the wisdom teeth, so it feels difficult and or painful when opening the mouth.
  2. Feeling pain or irritation on teeth that come in the wrong position when rubbing the cheeks, tongue, upper and lower mouth.
  3. Infected swelling occurs in the gum tissue above the tooth that has penetrated the gums.
  4. The emergence of dental caries (tooth cavity) in the newly growing wisdom teeth and in the molars in front of the wisdom teeth due to the position of the tilted teeth.
Most wisdom problems will develop between the ages of 15 and 25 years. Only a few people older than 30 years of age can experience wisdom teeth that need to be revoked.

How can wisdom teeth be diagnosed?The dentist will examine the teeth and gums to find out the signs of wisdom teeth that have just grown and to determine the exact position of the wisdom teeth. You will be advised to do a tooth whitening with the help of X-rays to find out if your wisdom teeth will cause problems for now or maybe a problem in the future.

How to handle it?The most common treatment for the problem of wisdom teeth is by removing or extracting teeth. Experts do not agree that the decision to remove wisdom teeth will not cause symptoms or problems in the future. However, oral surgeons generally agree that pulling wisdom teeth is easier for young people, usually before entering age 20 because the roots of the teeth and jaw bones have not fully developed. After age 20, jaw bones tend to be harder, and healing usually takes longer.

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