Friday, June 8, 2018

√ Wisdom Teeth Bad Breath


Wisdom teeth bad breath Gum inflammation or gingivitis is inflammation of the gums which is characterized by changes in the shape and color of the gums.

Gingivitis can occur in either men or women of all age groups, although it is most commonly found in adults.This health disorder affects the tissues that surround the teeth and can cause infection, tooth decay, and even impact on the removal of teeth.

According to Doctor Alexander Waworuntu, dentist at Siloam Hospital Manado, the risk of gingivitis will increase if there is poor nutrition or lack of vitamins, especially vitamin C.

"The causes of gingivitis include the presence of tartar, bacteria, food scraps or plaque on the teeth, the wrong way to brush teeth, stress, puberty, irregular teeth, the tip of a rough tooth fill, and the tools in the mouth like orthodontics and dentures, "he explained.

Alexander continued, there were several symptoms that indicated gingivitis, including a smelly mouth, swollen gums and easily bleed without pain and sometimes itchy, the gums were redder, the teeth felt shake. Other symptoms, pericoronitis or a more severe form of gingivitis that is fever and difficulty opening the mouth, usually occur in wisdom teeth that have just partially grown.

Gingivitis has a negative impact on the oral cavity such as bad breath, bleeding gums when brushed, disrupting dental aesthetics, vocal infection causes, and swollen and prominent gums.

"The impact will be very disturbing when we will work or do daily activities. Therefore, dental care and the correct way to brush your teeth will keep the problem of gingivitis away," explained the doctor graduated from Airlanga University Surabaya.

The best way to treat gingivitis is to do things like tartar cleansing, improve roughness and cause gum irritation, 5 days of antibiotic treatment and anti-inflammatory drugs. What should also be done is to use mouthwash after brushing your teeth, using special toothpaste for troubled gums. What's also important is to consume lots of fruits that contain vitamin C.
Wisdom Teeth Bad Breath
Patients who come to the dentist usually have problems with the condition of their teeth and mouth. Bad breath alias halitosis is one of them, even third after disease and dental cosmetics.

Halitosis is not a disease, but a symptom of a cause. Luckily if the sufferer realizes it. If not, the unpleasant air from this mouth can have a negative influence on business, marital life, and self-confidence in relationships.

Indeed, there are times when bad breath is not noticed by the patient, so the dentist as the first person to know it must be aware of it. Then if the examination is not found dental and oral abnormalities, the dentist needs to consult with a colleague who is more competent to find the cause of bad breath.

If halitosis is caused by abnormalities in the mouth, it generally occurs due to the decay of food debris by bacteria. Stockpiling food remains due to poor oral hygiene. Moreover, coupled with a misaligned tooth structure, such as crowded teeth, it will get worse. In addition, halitosis can be triggered by the presence of interdental papillary, gingival recession (opening of the tooth root), pseudopocket in relation to wisdom teeth.

Also, the use of dentures of metal and vulganite is more often odorous than those made of acrylic, except that acrylic dentures are not properly maintained. Dentists should clean it as the original teeth.

Dental caries that is not treated is a place where food scraps remain and of course is one of the sources of halitosis. One gum disease caused by fusospirochaeta bacteria also causes a very foul odor.

Surgery in the mouth, such as tooth extraction, odontectomy, alveolectomy, also often causes bad breath. This is understandable because of the malfunctioning of mastication on the side of the mouth that is diseased, in addition to minor bleeding and an increase in the number of bacteria.

If the cause in the mouth has been overcome but the halitosis is still there, then it is necessary to watch out for the possibility of an illness that is not related to the mouth and teeth. For example, leukemia, diabetes, malignant tumors in the nose, lung abscesses, tuberculosis or gangrenous processes (tissue death).

Food, drinks and medicines also often cause unpleasant air. Food, drinks and medicines that have been absorbed will be carried by the blood to the liver which then enters the bile. Finally HCl in the blood is brought back to the lungs which is then released through breathing.

It is the dentist's job that can distinguish bad breath due to abnormalities in the mouth or outside the mouth. What is commonly used to determine it is the brenning method. That is, patients are asked to close their lips and exhale their breath through their nose. If it smells, it means the cause is outside the mouth or vice versa.

Halitosis is not always a patoligic condition (related to a disease). In certain individuals, bad breath is normal, for example if you just wake up, when a woman is menstruating, elderly (elderly people) or when someone is being treated with dimethyl sulfide for the treatment of rheumatic fever.

Therefore halitosis treatment depends on the cause. When caused by abnormalities in the mouth, bad odor can be reduced or eliminated altogether. Halitosis due to decay of leftover food can be overcome by maintaining oral and dental hygiene, among others by brushing your teeth regularly and may also use mouthwash. Likewise dentists wear.

While seniors who do not want to smell the mouth smell, it is recommended to reduce sugar consumption in order to increase the amount of saliva or saliva.

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