Friday, June 8, 2018

√ Wisdom Teeth Anxiety


Wisdom teeth anxiety Youngest / Hidden Teeth / Impaction Dental Surgery 

What and how is the wisdom tooth surgery? Does it hurt during or after surgery? How about the surrounding nerves? I am afraid of action but I suffer from pain from my wisdom teeth ...

These questions often cross the minds of patients suffering from pain due to buried teeth. The fact is that the wisdom tooth is the molars / teeth of the third permanent molar that grows most recently. Usually wisdom teeth grow at the age of 18 to 23 years. Because it grows last, the tooth will lack space to grow well in the upper jaw and lower jaw. This situation is called impaction or hidden. Impaction teeth may be covered by soft tissue (gums / oral mucosa), covered by the alveolar bone, and can grow partially or completely buried in the bone (imbeded).

This condition does not only occur in third molars but is also possible in other teeth such as small molars / premolar teeth, canines / canine teeth / and incisors / incisors.

Teeth that grow abnormally feel annoying. Many complaints suffered by patients such as headaches to the nape of the neck or shoulders, pain in the gums due to being bitten by their upper teeth (pericoronitis), damage to second molars, difficulty opening the mouth due to swelling and pain (trismus), even to the extent of threatening swollen pus soul (submandibular abscess or it can develop into phlegmon disease), besides the buried teeth also have the potential to become jaw cysts or tumors.
Wisdom teeth anxiety
Due to the potential for diseases caused by these pent-up teeth, many patients have taken surgery to take these buried teeth, both for the purpose of treating diseases that have arisen or for precautions before the disease arises. In addition to prevention of the occurrence of wisdom teeth / buried must also be taken for the purposes of reasons for orthodontic treatment or making dentures.

If you suffer from this, you can consult with a dentist for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Specialists. When you consult a doctor about buried teeth, the doctor will check it first. If it is necessary to revoke or carry out an operation, you must be prepared for this action. Unlike other teeth, wisdom teeth or buried teeth need a more complicated extraction technique because they have to go through a surgical procedure.

Consult the things below to the dentist for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Specialists, such as:
  1. How many wisdom teeth must be removed?
  2. What type of anesthesia / anesthesia will be received?
  3. How to avoid pain during or after the action?
  4. How complicated is the revocation procedure to be carried out?
  5. How long does the revocation take place?
  6. Will the wisdom teeth trigger damage to other teeth?
  7. Are there any risks I will get such as nerve damage?
  8. Is there any dental treatment I have to do after surgery?
  9. How long is postoperative healing and when can I start the activity?
  10. Can pregnant women have wisdom tooth surgery? (There is no reason that the extraction procedure will affect pregnancy, but you need to ask the doctor, because some doctors may wait for treatment until the birth process)

What will happen during the impacted / young / buried tooth extraction procedure?
Covered dental surgery or impacted teeth do not hurt, dentists Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Specialists will seek comfortable, painless surgery both during surgery and after surgery. The doctor will use one of three types of anesthesia, depending on how complicated the tooth impaction is, here is an explanation of some of the anesthetics: 

Regional anesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve block with local infiltration anesthesia : administered by injecting a pterygomandibular anesthetic solution near the mandibular foramen where the inferior alveolar nerve supplies the teeth and the lingual nerve to anesthetize the tooth nerve, gums and tongue. Coupled with an injection at the point near the tooth that will be revoked. The patient will stay awake during the extraction process. Even though the patient will feel pressure and movement, the patient will not feel pain.

Sedation anesthesia plus regional IAN block anesthesia : administered via an intravenous line in the patient's arm. This anesthesia will suppress the patient's awareness, so that the patient has limited memory during the extraction process, the patient is attempted to feel no pain, anesthesia plus sedation is given to patients with anxiety. This service depends on the facility at the hospital and the approval of an anesthetist.

General anesthesia : impacted dental surgery procedure or buried teeth with anesthesia is commonly performed if buried teeth are taken multiple (more than or equal to two teeth), or the teeth are buried (imbeded), patients with anxiety, patients with comorbidities (comorbid ) which is a local contraindication to anesthesia, impacted teeth with abnormalities (cysts, jaw tumors, soft tissue benign tumors, pericoronitis), difficulty opening the mouth / trismus, and other considerations. The patient will inhale the drug through the nose. When given this anesthesia, you will lose consciousness. The team of doctors will monitor treatment, breathing, temperature, fluid and blood pressure. The patient will lose memory during the procedure and does not feel pain and regain consciousness after the operation is complete.

Preparation before wisdom tooth surgery / impacted teeth / buried teeth
Operations performed with local anesthesia will be carried out outpatient care. The patient can go home on the same day after undergoing wisdom tooth extraction. However, it all depends on how complicated the tooth impaction suffered by the patient, there are patients who have to undergo hospitalization due to some postoperative problems or complications. Before surgery, the patient will receive instructions from the hospital or dental clinic about what to do before and after surgery. Patients who are taken with intravenous sedation or general anesthesia (general anesthesia) require hospitalization for 2-3 days in the hospital.

What happens after the removal of wisdom teeth?
If the patient has sedation and general anesthesia, the patient will be taken to the recovery room after surgery and will receive hospitalization at the hospital. If only local anesthesia, the patient can go home immediately after surgery. Some things that might happen:
  1. The patient may still experience bleeding after removal of wisdom teeth. Try not to spit excessively so that you don't have to remove blood clots from your gums or teeth. Change the gauze as directed by the dentist.
  2. Overcome the pain with drugs that have been prescribed by a doctor. In addition, it can also be compressed with ice on the cheeks on the side of the jaw where the area of ​​the tooth is operated to reduce pain and swelling.
  3. Swelling must occur on the patient's cheeks. Don't worry, this will subside within three days.Maybe, the patient will also experience bruising, usually will occur for several days.
  4. After removal of wisdom teeth, it is better for the patient to take a rest first, so that he can return to his activities as soon as possible.
  5. Drinking lots of water is also needed after surgery. Avoid drinks such as alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, or hot drinks in the first 24 hours. Also avoid drinking through a straw because it can make a blood clot come back out.
  6. Choose soft foods such as yogurt and porridge for 24 hours. Avoid foods that are hard to chew, hot, and spicy. These foods can irritate the surgical wound.
  7. Clean your mouth by gargling slowly using mouthwash, avoid brushing your teeth in the first 24 hours and then brushing your teeth using a small toothbrush with soft bristles.
  8. If the patient smokes, it should not be smoked first within 72 hours after surgery or as long as possible until healed. Cigarettes can inhibit the healing process.
When should I go back to the doctor?
If complications occur, the patient can contact or return to the doctor, some complications that may occur are as follows:
  1. Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  2. Excessive bleeding
  3. Fever
  4. Severe pain even after taking medication for pain relief
  5. Swelling that worsens after two or three days
  6. Feeling prolonged numbness
  7. Remove pus
This requires immediate treatment both outpatient and hospitalization depending on the severity of postoperative complications.

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