Friday, June 8, 2018



Wisdom teeth anesthesia

Wisdom teeth anesthesia the use of local anesthesia to control pain during surgery in the oral cavity is a fairly safe and reliable procedure. However, there are still unusual events that can be faced during or after the action. As a patient, you also need to know it. Some unusual events that may be encountered in a local anesthesia procedure include:

1. Pain (at the waist). The pain is punctured, sometimes sudden and very intense pain arises during or immediately after local anesthesia. Pain is usually very great at first and gradually decreases until it finally disappears within 5-15 minutes. Pain does not occur again at the time of repeated anesthesia at that time or on the next visit.

2. Convulsions (seizures). Convulsions are generally rare. This disorder arises during anesthesia or immediately after, marked by symptoms of straining the body and hands, the eyeball rotates upwards and then loss of consciousness which takes place in a short time.

3. Vesicles (small blisters) on the lower lip. This lesion is often found on the lower lip, which develops a day after local anesthesia in the lower jaw. This is caused by bites or trauma to the lips that still feel the smell.

4. Drop of eyelids. Local anesthesia in the mandible that is too deep and too high can reach the nerve branches associated with the eye muscles, causing temporary loss of muscle control of the eyelids.

5. Paresthesia (abnormal feeling of pain). After local anesthesia of the lower jaw, there may be a sensation of tingling (numbness) or numbness in the lower lip for a long time. However, the symptoms of paresthesia gradually subside and the healing is usually perfect.

6. Hematoma (bruising). If the syringe injures a blood vessel, the blood will come out and collect under the surface of the skin or gum tissue. This will trigger swelling. Although it feels painful, hematoma is believed to be harmless.

7. Poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning due to local anesthetics include paresthesias of the oral cavity and tongue, a metallic taste, and feeling dizzy. Then over time it can cause the patient to become delirious, vision to be shaded, ears buzzing, confusion, anxiety, throbbing muscles and spasms.

The bitter taste has not disappeared for 2 days and the sour taste from the stomach, such as going up to the mouth after a local anesthesia procedure to extract a tooth, does include the possible side effects of anesthesia. You don't need to worry, because everything will gradually subside and healing is usually perfect.

As for the feeling of numbness that hasn't gone away, you should consult your dentist again. The feeling of numbness should disappear within a few hours after local anesthesia. If the feeling of numbness is prolonged, there may be a procedure error during anesthesia. However, you don't need to be traumatized to go to the Dentist for fear that things will happen again. All the disturbances that I mentioned above can occur due to errors in anesthesia procedures, neural form anomalies, or due to a phenomenon that still cannot be explained scientifically. So, this is very rare.

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