Wednesday, April 25, 2018

√ Wisdom Teeth | 7 Effects of Adult Molar Teeth and How to Overcome them


Paint effect of adult molar teeth
Molar teeth are one type of teeth that can grow in adolescence to young adults. This is what is often referred to as wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth, it is because of the last growth. The wisdom teeth grow in about 18 to 25 years. But everyone has a different phase. It can even be the wisdom teeth that grow in people aged 30 years. Many say that the effects of molar grow very much and need to be wary. Here are some side effects.

1. Pain
One of the side effects of molar teeth that grow in adults is the emergence of pain. This pain can occur in the gums or jaws. Actually, the pain that arises due to the effects of molar teeth that grow is worth watching out for. Because it can be the growth of teeth is not the right position so it can cause pain due to the affected nerve. However, the fact that even the normal teeth of wisdom developed also shows the symptoms of this pain.

Pain in the tooth grows due to tissue irritation in the gums. And the pain will get worse if the molar position will not grow properly. Therefore the thing to watch out for is when the pain feels very painful. Could be the cause of the abnormal position of wisdom teeth causing prolonged disturbance. If the teeth of perceived wisdom will grow to create tremendous pain, it is better to see a doctor.

2. Swelling
Another wisdom tooth effect is also the appearance of swelling and redness of the tooth where the growth of teeth. This happens to the gums before the teeth grow to the surface of the gums. Usually the gums will indeed swell and accompanied by discomfort. This swelling can be with the tongue to feel the inside of the gums, especially at the base of the jaw where the wisdom teeth will grow. But this swelling or inflammation will deflate over time.

3. The gums are swollen

The youngest tooth growth also often gives signs of wisdom Gungam Growing sap that looks torn. Tearing of the gums is a sign that wisdom teeth will soon grow. This problem is often referred to as the pericoronal flap. But this condition is still in normal condition so no need to worry too much.

4. Bleeding gums
Some people may experience bleeding gums when their flower teeth grow. This blood can appear from around the gums where the tooth will grow. This condition is quite common. However, bleeding gums can also be caused by other things, such as canker sores, gum disease, or gum injuries.

5. It's hard to open your mouth
When the back of swollen gums will grow molar teeth, it may be difficult to open the mouth. But this disorder usually only happens for a few days. When this condition occurs, you are advised to drink using a straw to reduce the pain.

6. Infection
Infection is the effect of growing molars that need to be wary of. The youngest wisdom teeth that grow can have the risk of the wisdom teeth growing or the wisdom teeth grow. This condition is necessary to watch out for, because abnormal gear growth can create pockets or small spaces beneath the pericoronal flap. This will cause bacteria to easily multiply there and cause infection.

Some signs or symptoms of infection caused by molar tooth grows are not nominal inter alain pain, flu, swelling gums, and swelling of lymph nodes in the neck. In fact there are also some people who have pus around the swollen part, coupled with bad breath. The pain of this infection is also different from the usual pain. Infectious pain usually persists and persists.
7. The youngest teeth push the other teeth
One of the side effects of wisdom teething is the wisdom teeth that can push the teeth next to it so it is very disturbing. In this case, the youngest wisdom teeth will mostly be removed by the dentist, because it can harm the health of the teeth next to it.
Check the teeth to the doctor
How to overcome
Some of the above side effects will reduce comfort during daily activities. Here are some things you can do to overcome the symptoms that arise.
  • Massage gums with fingers, or use ice to reduce pain
  • If swelling occurs and disrupts, taking painkillers or antibengkak drugs can be done
  • Use an antiseptic mouthwash or gargle with salt water to prevent the proliferation of bacteria that add to the risk of infection
  • Observe the symptoms. If symptoms appear severe pain, and the notion of strong molars grows abnormally, consult a doctor immediately to solve the problem.
Thus some explanations of the effects of molars on adults need to be known. Hopefully this kind of Dental Information is useful for you.

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