Wednesday, April 25, 2018

√ Wisdom Teeth | The Risk of Plucking Molar Teeth


Perforated teeth do not always have to be revoked. If the rest of the crown of his molars is still quite a lot, the condition of his teeth supporting tissue is still good, and his teeth are normal (not tilted), then your molars can still be awake. Does your molars ever feel sudden and persistent? If so, need to do root canal treatment (endodontic treatment) first, then be done fillings.
We recommend that you check with your Dentist. So that your teeth are not originally revoked. If there is a removal on the molars, then you need to know the negative effects of tooth extraction in general.
The risk of plucking molar teeth
Complications during the process of teething in general are
1. Hemorrhage,
2. Fracture (fracture) at the root tip, adjoining teeth and opposing teeth, bones supporting the teeth, and lower jawbone
3. Tooth equation
4. Soft tissue injury
5. Nerve injury
Thus, for the removal of the upper molars most at risk are teeth that can enter the maxillary sinus. Patients will feel one of the following symptoms, namely discharge from the mouth, fluid out of the nose, or there is bleeding from the nose. As for the removal of the lower molars most at risk is behind the fractures of the lower jawbone, especially for the removal of wisdom teeth. Hazards will occur. Tooth extraction is not rocking or rocking teeth are equally at risk.
But it will be easier and more minimal risk in cases of extraction of teeth that have been rocking. You can make artificial teeth after the wounds after the retraction cured, which is about 7-20 days later (different individual). However, you do not have to worry if it is necessary revocation. Dentists have been issued to overcome and worry about tooth extraction. Except otherwise.

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