Wednesday, April 25, 2018

√ Wisdom Teeth | Understanding Youngest Teeth



The youngest teeth are the third molars or the last molars that grow at the end of a dozen years or two years. The problem with the wisdom teeth is that the growth is not perfect because of the limitations of space that can be occupied wisdom teeth. Conversely, the wisdom teeth grow specifically can only grow partly. These conditions cause symptoms of taste or discomfort

In addition to pain, the position of incomplete teeth growth can also make the teeth easier. The plaque comes from bacteria or food scraps tucked into the sides of the wisdom teeth. Conditions like these are problems with teeth. such as tooth decay, pericoronitis (teeth around teeth), teeth, and cellulitis (an inward lining infection that attacks the throat, tongue, and cheeks). In addition, a rare term, plaque buildup and risk cause cysts and tumors in the gums.
Wisdom Teeth, Youngest Teeth

This teething problem can be done with the action and extraction of wisdom teeth. Treatment is done to overcome the problems that appear on the teeth. While the wisdom tooth extraction action is implemented if the treatment can not solve the problem on the teeth or gums. This tooth extraction needs to be done with action and prevention.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Youngest Teeth

Diagnosis to determine the youngest dental care problem begins with a physical examination, especially the position of the wisdom tooth. Examining it needs to be supported by X-ray examination of teeth.

Problems that occur in teeth, such as tooth decay, pericoronitis, teeth, or tumors and tumors needed to clean teeth and teeth. However, if the wisdom tooth problem is still valid, it can be the youngest tooth extraction action.

Procedure of extraction by eating local anesthesia around the gums where the wisdom teeth are located. The wisdom tooth extraction can be done by cutting a small portion of the gums or cutting the wisdom teeth into smaller pieces before being pulled out. The wisdom tooth extraction procedure takes about 20 minutes.
Ilustration wisdom teeth crash

After the wisdom tooth extraction, side effects such as pain, face and mouth become bengkai, mouth amused, and jaw feels stiff. At this time, there are no heavy activities for several days, not smoking or drinking alcohol, consuming soft or liquid foods, and taking painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol if necessary. These efforts apply to pain and discomfort and speed recovery. This recovery period lasts about two weeks.
Youngest Dental Complications

Like other measures, this wisdom tooth extraction procedure also has the risk of complications. Common complications taken after medical action are Bleeding and Infection. Possible signs of frequent occurrence of action locations, white or white outbreaks, persistent pain or swelling, and Fever.

Because what happens is the wisdom tooth extraction is there is no blood clot in ranga ggigi or blood clot apart from toothbrush. In medical terms, this condition is called alveolar osteitis, the patient can feel great on the jaw or gum. The condition also causes an unpleasant smell or taste from an empty tooth cavity. This complication can be done for three to five days after the wisdom tooth extraction, Complications that can be used is the release of nerves. It is involved with pain, tingling, or numbness on the tongue, lips, gums, and cheeks. These conditions can perform daily activities, such as eating or drinking. However this only lasts for several weeks after the wisdom tooth extraction.

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