Friday, June 8, 2018

√ Wisdom Teeth And Headaches


Wisdom teeth and headaches complaints in the oral cavity that we most often feel is mixing problem teeth. Starting from cavities to wisdom teeth that grow in gums and must be removed. Of course this pain makes it difficult for us to move. Because we suffer from pain we also feel pain in other parts of the body. Starting from the eyes, neck, shoulders, even migraines in the head.

Pain that is felt on the head, shoulders, neck and eyes is often the case if you experience toothache. This happens because the nerves in the teeth are also connected with several nerves in the head, which effects interfere with other parts or organs of the body. Because the teeth are united by the trigeminal neuve nerve which is connected to the eye, upper jaw, lower jaw. That is why when you have a toothache, other parts of the head also become uncomfortable. For example, headache.

Usually, excessive pain causes persistent headache instead of mild toothache. Not infrequently this is caused by a hole in the tooth that is quite large. If it's just a mild toothache, a hole that isn't too big a headache isn't too severe. But, if it's been infected, the head will feel very painful.

Likewise, what happens to wisdom teeth that often only grow in adulthood, the pain that hits the head can be more painful. If the growth is not correct or obstructed and the wisdom teeth cannot come out the effect is more painful. The head hurts because of the connected nerve. In some patients there are also those that cannot open the mouth.
Wisdom Teeth And Headaches

4 Ways to Treat Pain Due to Youngest Teething
Adults can have up to 32 teeth. Between the ages of 17 to 25 years, wisdom teeth will appear to fill the void in your tooth space. It is called wisdom teeth because these teeth are the last to form and stick to the top of the gum surface. The wisdom teeth are four third molars that grow two in the upper jaw and two below, in the back of the mouth. The growth of wisdom teeth is commonly experienced by many people, and this can be painful, but some people who are fortunate enough may never experience it in their lives.

Why is the growth of the sickest tooth?
The growth of wisdom teeth does not always cause problems. If there is enough space in the gums, the wisdom teeth will be able to stick out completely without causing significant complaints. But, most people have jaws that are too small to allow all 32 loading teeth to line up on it. At most, the jaw of an adult generally only fits 28 teeth.

When your jaw is too small or there are other teeth blocking the exit of wisdom teeth, these new teeth often grow bent, sideways, or not aligned with other teeth. This is because as long as the wisdom teeth stick up, these teeth can push the teeth in front of them to force enough space when the wisdom teeth are complete later.

When the wisdom tooth collides with the tooth in front of it, the gum layer that opens above it can become infected, from bacteria that enter it, and swell. This can be painful. The growth of wisdom teeth that is sometimes only half as well is also more prone to cause tooth decay and gum disease because the location of wisdom teeth is difficult to reach and its awkward position makes brushing and flossing difficult.

The pain of wisdom teeth can be a constant complaint for some people. You may even feel pain that persists in the nearest tooth or creeps up to the ear on the side of the face where the wisdom teeth grow. Some other people can only experience pain and discomfort when chewing or touching wisdom teeth.
Tips for dealing with wisdom teeth
Most dentists recommend wisdom teeth that cause pain to be removed before complaints turn into a big problem. The dentist or dental surgeon will open the gum tissue above the wisdom tooth if needed and remove the problematic tooth. Sometimes, the teeth will be cut into small pieces first to make removal easier. After the teeth are removed, you may need stitches.

If you have an infection, you may have to wait until the infection is gone before your wisdom tooth is removed. While waiting for a tooth removal schedule, there are a few simple tricks that you can use to reduce the pain of your young teeth until the time for the next dentist's visit.
1. Gargle salt water
Gargling with warm salt water is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of wisdom teeth. Simply dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Gargle your mouth for a few minutes, and you will find a little relief. Repeat several times a day if needed.

2. Mouthwash
Antibacterial mouthwash containing chlorhexidine can also help reduce pain due to gum inflammation.

3. Pain relievers
Pain relieving tablets such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can temporarily eliminate wisdom teeth. Talk to your dentist if the pain doesn't go away. Dentists can prescribe antibiotics to help speed healing of infections.

4. Compress ice
Attach ice copes to the cheeks where the wisdom teeth grow for 15-20 minutes. Repeat a number of times if needed. Don't use hot compresses.

Remember, all of the above solutions are only temporary reinforcements. If the problem persists, consult a doctor to schedule removal of wisdom teeth.

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