Thursday, June 7, 2018

√ Wisdom teeth I Meaning Of Wisdom Teeth


Meaning of wisdom teeth Wisdom teeth are third molars or the last molars that grow in the late teens or early twenties. The problem that commonly occurs in wisdom teeth is its imperfect growth due to the limited gum space that can be occupied by wisdom teeth. As a result, wisdom teeth grow squeezed or only grow partially. This condition causes symptoms of pain or discomfort .

In addition to pain, the imperfect growth position of the wisdom teeth also causes the wisdom teeth to be difficult to clean, thus increasing the likelihood of plaque accumulation. The plaque comes from bacteria or food scraps tucked on the sides of wisdom teeth. Conditions like this tend to trigger dental problems. such as, tooth decay, pericoronitis (infection of the soft tissues around the teeth), dental abscesses, and cellulitis (infection of the inner lining that attacks the throat, tongue, and cheeks). In addition, although it rarely happens, plaque buildup also risks causing cysts and tumors in the gums.
Wisdom teeth | Meaning Of Wisdom Teeth
The growth problems of these wisdom teeth can be treated with treatment or the removal of wisdom teeth. Treatment is done to overcome problems that arise in the teeth. Whereas wisdom teeth extraction is carried out if the treatment has not been able to overcome the problem of the teeth or gums. The removal of wisdom teeth needs to be continued with post-treatment and prevention of complications.

Youngest Dental Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis to determine the treatment of wisdom teeth begins with a physical examination, especially the position of wisdom teeth. The examination needs to be supported by X-rays on the teeth to see the tooth image in more detail.

Problems that occur in teeth, such as tooth decay, pericoronitis, dental abscesses, or cysts and tumors of the gums need to be treated with antiseptic cleaning solutions and antibiotic drugs. These treatments can generally solve problems that occur in teeth and gums. However, if the wisdom of the wisdom tooth is still disturbing, then wisdom can be taken on wisdom teeth.

The extraction procedure is preceded by local anesthesia around the gum where the wisdom tooth is located. Wisdom tooth extraction can be done by cutting a small portion of the gum or cutting the wisdom tooth into smaller pieces before removing it. The wisdom tooth removal procedure takes about 20 minutes.

After the removal of wisdom teeth, some side effects such as pain, face and mouth become bengka, mouth feels tingling, and jaw feels stiff. During this time, it is recommended to avoid strenuous activities for several days, not to smoke or avoid alcoholic beverages, to consume soft or liquid foods, and to take painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol if necessary. These efforts aim to relieve pain and discomfort and speed recovery. This recovery period takes around two weeks.

Youngest Dental Complications
Like other medical procedures, this wisdom tooth removal procedure also has the risk of complications. Common complications that occur after a medical procedure are bleeding and infection. The signs shown from this complication are excessive bleeding from the site of action, yellow or white discharge, persistent pain or swelling, and fever.

Whereas the usual complications that occur after wisdom teeth extraction is that there are no blood clots in the dental cavity or blood clots apart from the teeth. In medical terms, this condition is called alveolar osteitis. As a result, the patient feels severe pain in the jaw or gums. These conditions also cause odor or unpleasant taste from the empty dental cavity. This complication can occur about three to five days after tooth extraction. Another complication that can arise is a nerve injury. This is indicated by pain, tingling, or numbness in the tongue, lips, gums, and cheeks. These conditions can interfere with daily activities, such as when eating or drinking. However, complications like this generally only last for a few weeks after removal of wisdom teeth.

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